Biological Sampling
Various air and surface sampling kits are available to check for bacteria, virus, fungus, spores, etc. in viable / non-viable forms to monitor and prevent biological health effects.
Bio-Sampler System
- BioSampler® collects bioaerosols in liquid for sample times upto 8 hours using BioLite+ Pump.
- Swirling liquid method minimizes re-aerosolization, reduces particle bounce, and preserves microorganism integrity and viability.
- Can be used with several different liquids.
- BioLite+ Pump provides up to 62 L/min flow or sonic flow and indefinite run times.
- Applications: Indoor air quality testing, Infection control (e.g. hospitals and vets), Infectious disease investigations, Animal and human exposure/risk investigations, Agriculture, horticulture, industry and environment e.g. composting, storage areas (wood, waste etc), manufacturing.
Bacteria, Fungus and Virus Sampling System
- VersaTrap® spore trap cassettes capture mold and bacterial spores and other particles ranging from 1.5 μm to 3.9 μm.
- SureSeal certified leak-free cassettes for sample integrity and Unique serial number on each cassette for sample traceability.
- QuickTake 30 Sample Pump with Constant flow from 10 to 30 L/min.
- Run times up to 14 hours for sampling particulates.
- Captures on an optically clear adhesive coated slide. The slide is designed for easy removal and positioning.
Bacteria, Fungus and Virus Sampling System
- VersaTrap® spore trap cassettes capture mold and bacterial spores and other particles ranging from 1.5 μm to 3.9 μm.
- SureSeal certified leak-free cassettes for sample integrity and Unique serial number on each cassette for sample traceability.
- QuickTake 30 Sample Pump with Constant flow from 10 to 30 L/min.
- Run times up to 14 hours for sampling particulates.
- Captures on an optically clear adhesive coated slide. The slide is designed for easy removal and positioning.
Mold & Bacteria Sampler System
- BioStage viable cascade impactor can be used for sampling indoor / outdoor mold and bacteria using QuickTake 30 Pump as per NIOSH and ACGIH .
- Collects on agar surface.
- Andersen N-6 Performance. Ensures sample integrity.
- SureLock positive seal ensures sample integrity. Collected organisms remain intact & viable.
- Corrosion-resistant aluminum - Autoclavable.
- QuickTake 30 Sample Pump with Constant flow from 10 to 30 L/min.
- Run times up to 14 hours for sampling particulates.
Viables & Non-Viables Sampling System
- Superior collection of inhalable particles (viable and non-viable).
- Gelatin filters maintains the survival of stress-sensitive microorganisms.
- Follows the ISO 7708/CEN sampling criteria.
- Greater than 93% collection efficiency.
- Flow rate: 4 LPM. Max Sampling Time: 30 minutes.
- To be used with Button Sampler & Air Chek Touch Pump.
Microbial Air Sampler
- Single aspirating chamber for Petri or Contact plates.
- Volume of aspirated air: 100 or 200 L/m.
- suitable for 55 mm Contact plates or 90 mm Petri dishes.
- Remote control via bluetooth.
- Technopolymer shockproof body with antibacterial performances of surfaces.
- Auto calibration. IP65.
- Manual operative aspirating cycles. Memorized data: up to 1.000 samples.
Virus & Rapid Test Sampler
- Innovative instrument for airborne viable particle sampling.
- Collects virus in a liquid sample for subsequent rapid analytical identification (PCR)
- Active air sampling according to the traditional method of impact on agar culture media to count colonies (CFU).
- The volume of air is aspirated and mixed in a pre-analytical liquid.
- Collection liquid: water, buffer, nutrient broth
- Quantity of collection liquid: 15 ml
Sterile Surface Swabs
- Determines the degree and type of biological contamination present in the area being sampled.
- Use this non-destructive method on most surfaces, including irregular surfaces like air return grills.
- The rayon tip is inert, non-toxic, and permits good sample retrieval and adsorption.
Carpet Sampling Kit
- Regular carpet ingredients : Dyes, Pesticides, Biocides, Chemicals, Odors
- Collect fungal spores or asbestos from carpets and other dusty areas
- Uses Microvacuum Cassettes
- As specified in ASTM Methods D5755 and D5756
- Indoor Air Quality of Workplaces, Schools, Colleges, Laboratories etc.
- Hospitals
- Pharmaceutical Industries
- Storage areas