Odourous Sulfur Compounds Monitor
The TRSMEDOR® is an autoGC-ED (MEDOR® Electrochemical wet cell Detector) for the analysis and monitoring of sulfur compounds in air: H2S, Mercaptans, Sulfides.
- Online analysis and monitoring of odorous sulfur compounds (H2S, Mercaptans, Sulfides).
- TRSMEDOR is based on Gas Chromatograph - Electrochemical Wet Cell Detection.
- ISO 19739:2004, DIN 51855/7, ASTM D 7493-08 Compliant.
- Automatic calibration/validation of the data
- Intelligent system with tunable and interactive alarm levels.
- Automatic control with process device.
- Remote monitoring & injection control
- Fence line
- Fermentation process
- Deodorization process
- Fugitive emission