BTEX Analyzer
A GC/PID for automatic monitoring of BTEX in air, water and soils
- Minimum detection level as low as 10 ppt for application Benzene or 1,3-Butadiene in ambient air.
- Miniaturization, sensitivity, mobility and flexibility are its main features.
- Everything from the sample port up to the data storage is integrated in a 19"- rack 5U.
- MCERTS certified analyzer for benzene measurement following EN 14662-3 norms
- Programmed gradient temperature up to 202°c for the column oven and pressure/flow control of the carrier gas.
- Uses Photo ionization detector (PID), 10,6 eV lamp.
- Self-cleaning of the lamp ensures high stability.
- Bi-directional RS-232 C to transfer data and results to the internal computer.
- Vistachrom software enables the user to view and store data on a industrial computer. It provides comfortable user-friendly utilities to recalculate, calibrate and export data and to configure the measurement.
- The software allows the calculation of retention time, area, mass or concentration profiles, in any measuring unit.
- With LCD Display
- Results output through different communication protocols are available